Tx-Elfkatz a devon rex cattery
 Call us: 832-536-3414

Feline Diseases:
is a viral disease of cats caused by certain strains of a virus called the feline coronavirus.  At one time, FIP was always fatal.  However, now there is successful treatment available.  While it is impossible to guarantee that a kitten does not carry the coronavirus, we do offer to assist with treatment cost if your kitten is diagnosed with FIP.  Early detection is key and therefore communication with your breeder over any unexplained illness is imperative.  Please read this information so that you can be educated to the fact that all kittens have the potential of carrying and harboring this disease.  For treatment information or if you suspect your cat may have FIP, contact FIP Global Cats.
a retro-virus, so named because of the way it behaves within infected cells.  FeLV is second only to trauma as the leading cause of death in cats.  All of our adult cats are tested annually for FeLV and since they are never allowed outdoors unsupervised, exposure is prevented.  Our kittens are guaranteed to be FeLV negative at the time of placement. Vaccinations should be discussed with your veterinarian as to the advantages and disadvantages.  However, we do NOT recommend vaccinating against FeLV unless your kitten is going to be housed with an FeLV positive kitten or cat.  In addition, our kitten contracts require that your Tx-Elfkatz kitten is to be kept indoors only which greatly reduces the risk of exposure.  Any cats added to the household should be tested for FeLV before exposure to existing uninfected cats.
also known as Feline Aids, causes immunodeficiency and hinders a cat's ability to protect itself from disease.  This disease is primarily spread through bite wounds from an infected cat.  There are no proven treatments for FIV and it is possible for a cat to live a normal life with FIV but it will be more difficult for them to fight infection.  Vaccines do exist for FIV.  However, once a cat has been vaccinated for FIV they will test positive for the virus and the vaccine is not 100% effective.  Therefore, it is recommended that you do NOT vaccinate your cat against FIV.  Again, the kitten contract requires that they remain indoors which greatly reduces the risk of your cat contacting FIV.  Our kittens are guaranteed to be free from the FIV virus at placement.